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We want to work with you to create something incredible

We always welcome new partners and love working with other talented companies, organisations and independent filmmakers.​ We work with our partners in a very unique and special way.


If you have a project we love, we will match fund the production of an educational film or documentary.


Partners will be expected to provide funding or resources to match our investment and become equal partners in the project.


Documentaries/films can be shot in HD or 4K and can be for online, broadcast or theatrical release from short pieces to feature length projects, subject to content and story. 

This is a unique opportunity for you to have a professional, high quality film produced for effectively half the cost! 


If you would like more information about our partnership requirements, please contact us at: productions AT factnotfictionfilms DOT com


Projects must be in line with our mission and help inform or raise awareness of an important issue or topic.

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